A Great Business has a comprehensive Grief Response Plan.

Rebecca Johnson is a Workplace Grief Response Consultant.

Helping HR organizations build a resillient, compassionate and productive workforce in the unexpected event of the death of a leader, co-worker or employee’s loved one.

Workshops & Trainings

Explore transformative HR services: trainings, workshops, and one-on-one sessions for every situation that may arise in your organization around grief and bereavement.

Loss of an Employee

Is your HR organization prepared to deal with the unexpected loss of an employee or company leader? Establish clear and compassionate guidelines for managing grief and logistics that will help your workforce feel seen and taken care of.

Re-Entry for a Bereaved Employee

The loss of a loved one can affect our focus and ability to get back to work. Help your employees return to a place that prioritizes their wellbeing, while creating appropriate plans to continue meeting your business goals.

Workforce Sensitivity Training

The success of your company lies on your ability to lead your workforce during trying times. Get your entire team up to speed with your company’s values and policies surrounding the loss of an important person in a co-worker’s life.

Grief Preparedness and Sudden Loss Response

Consulting is available for organizations looking to update their policies to stay ahead of grief and bereavement, or for those who have suffered the sudden loss of a team member, or are dealing with the loss of a loved one.

Sudden Loss Response

For organizations dealing with sudden loss of a team member, or a team member is grieving the loss of a loved one.

Proactive Grief Policy

For organizations who understand the value of being prepared for sudden loss.

One-on-One Consulting

For organizations looking for guidance as they navigate their grief response strategy.

Caring Solutions for Employee Retention

Our compassionate approach fosters well-being, reducing the risk of talent loss due to grief-related challenges.

At the heart of your organization lies a profound challenge: the potential loss of valuable team members due to a lack of understanding and support for grief in the workplace.

When employees facing grief feel unseen, they may contemplate leaving, causing not just turnover but a ripple effect of diminished productivity. Outdated policies and an unsupportive atmosphere carry significant financial consequences.

Our compassionate solutions are designed to retain your team, nurture harmony, and elevate overall well-being amidst grief’s complexities.

Let’s transform pain points into opportunities for connection and resilience, ensuring a workplace where every member feels heard, supported, and valued.

Make Compassion your Competitive Advantage

Let’s Connect

Message me on LinkedIn and start a conversation about your company’s needs.